The planets and stars don’t control me! That’s a common line people say regarding astrology and other methods of divination.

While you do have agency in your life, you can still learn more about yourself by having a birth chart (natal chart) reading done.

To find out more about what it entails, TRP sat down with Malaysia’s No. 1 Tarot Reader and Western astrologer, Dr Sarah May Low, who recently completed her PhD in Human Communication from Universiti Putra Malaysia.

“Even bomoh needs a PhD now,” she joked as we sat down to go through all the birth chart basics.

To get a reading for your birth chart, Low said an astrologer would need to know your birth date, time of birth, and location of birth. This is the information needed to do the calculations and process a precise birth chart diagram.

The birth chart diagram appears in a circle that’s separated into 12 equal sections, known as Houses, to represent the snapshot of the sky during the time and day you were born.

The snapshot of the sky is also dependent on where you’re born. This is why two people born on the same day and time will not have the same birth chart diagram because the view of the sky from where they are differs.

A birth chart sample. The Sun is represented by a circle with a dot in the middle which is in the 11th House in the diagram. Image: Star Sign Style

Since there are only 10 planets (the Sun and Moon are included here), it’s normal to have some Houses in the birth chart diagram empty or devoid of any planet placements.

The Houses in the birth chart diagram have symbolic meanings as well. For example, the 5th and 7th Houses reflect on our relationships (not only about romantic ties). Meanwhile, the 12th House represents the house of self-knowledge, meaning it covers our education prospects and more.

In the centre of the circle, there will be several criss-crossed lines known as aspects which provide more insight into your personality, life path, and self-sabotaging behaviours.

The lines come in three colours and for this reading, the lines are in red, blue, and green. The red line represents self-sabotaging behaviour, the blue line shows good, and the green sits right in between the good and the bad.

Does your birth chart mean your life path is already set since birth?

Low said clients only need to do their birth chart reading once so they have a base and better understanding of who they are before seeking other advanced readings. Think of it like getting to know what stats your game character is given before starting the game and improving your stats along the way.

As the years pass, the planets will move around or “transit” to another House in the birth chart diagram.

Once they have their initial birth chart reading done, Low will then carry out a transit reading for returning clients who want to check on their yearly luck and so forth.

Image: Yuting Gao/ Pexels

Sharing a glimpse of my birth chart

We started by discovering my Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (Rising) signs, including the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars), and generational planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).

The Sun sign represents how we portray ourselves in public while the Moon sign represents our emotions and hidden self, the side of us that only people close to us can see. Meanwhile, the Ascendant sign represents the first impression we give to others.

This is why some of us can feel like we don’t identify with our horoscope (the Sun sign). Your Moon and Ascendant signs will likely portray how you truly feel about yourself and explain why you don’t feel like the other typically described Aries, Sagittarius, and so on. As you can guess, you can roughly gauge a person’s personality by knowing these three signs.

Dr Sarah May Low holding up a birth chart diagram. Image: Adeline Leong/TRP

Once we know all this, we move on to the birth chart. Low said she’ll usually highlight four placements: the Sun’s location in the chart, the North Node (a karmic placement), the Ascendant (AC) and the Midheaven/Medium Coeli (MC).

The first “planet” or star we look for in the birth chart is none other than the Sun. The Sun placement in the birth chart is important because it tells where and how we “shine” in life. In other words, it shows what our strengths are.

In my case, the Sun is in the 3rd House, representing lower education (kindergarten, primary, and secondary schooling), short-distance travel, and small skills.

Small skills refer to the ability to learn or pick up new things quickly. This meant I did well in school and I could learn new things pretty fast. I also like learning about everything and anything that might seem minor or strange to others. Falling into a research blackhole? Yup, been there, done that.

What’s the North Node? The North Node is not a planet but a karmic placement on the birth chart. The North Node represents what we’re sent here on Earth to do.

The 12th House, also known as the hidden house, represents hidden opportunities and hidden enemies. In my case, I have a few planets including the North Node crowding the 12th House so I’m advised to lead life a little more privately and to be alert because not everyone is trustworthy. 

The Midheaven or Medium Coeli points to our highest potential in life. It also represents our social position, career, reputation, honours, fame, and success. Without giving much away, I’m in one of the right industries. We do our best with what we’re given and the situation! XD

Remember how the 7th House represents our relationship? Well, mine is empty so does this mean I’m forever a single pringle (but lazy to mingle)? The empty House just means I’ll settle down later in life. So, we shall see!

Is there a bad birth chart reading?

Low said there are no bad readings in birth charts because a birth chart reading is akin to a reminder or a precaution. This is good news because you’re in charge of your own life and have the opportunity to make good choices.

Low explained that everyone has their own hurdles to go through. However, it’s human nature to worry so Low shared she would usually look into the aspect lines while advising clients.

If you’re curious about your birth chart, you can reach out to Dr Sarah May Low by emailing [email protected] or dropping her a message on her Instagram accounts, Sarah May Low or Sarah May Low Tarot Academy.

She can also be reached on her official website here.

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