Kami amat terharu dengan sokongan luar biasa yang anda tunjukkan untuk pelancaran kempen ! 🇲🇾✨
Ia adalah peringatan tulus bahawa apa yang menjadikan Malaysia begitu istimewa adalah —tubuh rakyatnya yang menakjubkan!
Daripada logo yang ceria kepada maskot yang menghiburkan, lagu tema yang meriah, dan mesej kempen yang memberi inspirasi, setiap elemen mempamerkan kecantikan, kepelbagaian, dan perpaduan yang menjadikan Malaysia tidak terlupakan.
Mari kita bersama-sama menyelami branding ini agar kita semua dapat menghargainya dan turut serta dalam perjalanan yang menarik ini!
Bahagian manakah dari kempen ini yang paling menarik bagi anda?
👾 Maskot?
🎶 Pengalaman Surreal?
🎨 Reka bentuk logo?
📣 Atau mesej kempen yang memberi impak?
Kongsikan pendapat anda di bawah! 🗨️ Mari kita kekalkan semangat ini sementara kita bersedia untuk tahun 2026! ❤️
#VisitMalaysia2026 #MalaysiaTrulyAsia #CutiCutiMalaysia #SurrealExperiences
We are truly humbled by the incredible support you’ve shown for the launch of the \ud835\udde9\ud835\uddf6\ud835\ude00\ud835\uddf6\ud835\ude01 \ud835\udde0\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf9\ud835\uddee\ud835\ude06\ud835\ude00\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddee \ud835\udfee\ud835\udfec\ud835\udfee\ud835\udff2 campaign! \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfe\u2728 \n\nIt\u2019s a heartfelt reminder that what makes Malaysia truly special is \ud835\ude06\ud835\uddfc\ud835\ude02\u2014its amazing people! \n\nFrom the vibrant \ud835\uddf9\ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddf4\ud835\uddfc to our lovable \ud835\uddfa\ud835\uddee\ud835\ude00\ud835\uddf0\ud835\uddfc\ud835\ude01, the upbeat \ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf5\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddfa\ud835\uddf2 \ud835\ude00\ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddf4, and the inspiring \ud835\uddf0\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddfa\ud835\uddfd\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf4\ud835\uddfb \ud835\uddfa\ud835\uddf2\ud835\ude00\ud835\ude00\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf4\ud835\uddf2, each element highlights the beauty, diversity, and unity that make Malaysia unforgettable. \n\nLet\u2019s dive into the branding together, so we can all appreciate it and play a part in this exciting journey! \n\nWhich part of the campaign speaks to you the most? \n\ud83d\udc7e The mascot? \n\ud83c\udfb6 Surreal Experience? \n\ud83c\udfa8 The logo design? \n\ud83d\udce3 Or the impactful campaign message? \n\nShare your thoughts below! \ud83d\udde8\ufe0f Let\u2019s keep the energy alive as we prepare for 2026! \u2764\ufe0f \n\n#VisitMalaysia2026 #MalaysiaTrulyAsia #CutiCutiMalaysia #SurrealExperiences”,”delight_ranges”:[],”image_ranges”:[],”inline_style_ranges”:[],”aggregated_ranges”:[],”ranges”:[{“entity”:{“__typename”:”Hashtag”,”__isEntity”:”Hashtag”,”url”:”https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/hashtag\/visitmalaysia2026?__eep__=6″,”mobileUrl”:”https:\/\/m.facebook.com\/hashtag\/visitmalaysia2026″,”__isNode”:”Hashtag”,”id”:”6277680575691487
We are truly humbled by the incredible support you’ve shown for the launch of the campaign! 🇲🇾✨
It’s a heartfelt reminder that what makes Malaysia truly special is —its amazing people!
From the vibrant to our lovable , the upbeat , and the inspiring , each element highlights the beauty, diversity, and unity that make Malaysia unforgettable.
Let’s dive into the branding together, so we can all appreciate it and play a part in this exciting journey!
Which part of the campaign speaks to you the most?
👾 The mascot?
🎶 Surreal Experience?
🎨 The logo design?
📣 Or the impactful campaign message?
Share your thoughts below! 🗨️ Let’s keep the energy alive as we prepare for 2026! ❤️
#VisitMalaysia2026 #MalaysiaTrulyAsia #CutiCutiMalaysia #SurrealExperiences
Islam ialah agama rasmi dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tapi mana gambar masjid dalam klip? Where’s the mosque? Memang tak peduli pasal kedudukan agama rasmi ke macam mana? This is so disappointing.
Edit: Our criticisms under this post are referring to the video that was shown during the launching ceremony, NOT the video shown here.
We are talking about Malaysia is an Islamic majority country, and hardly to see masjid & Islamic value in the video… whereas, Churches & temples are well observed. What is going on?