In the video shared by TikTok user, Mohd Fareed (@ayidstar), he is excitedly showing his young son a scene from a Netflix movie in which he appears as an extra.

The father’s pride and enthusiasm are evident as he points to the screen, eagerly waiting for his moment of fame. As soon as his face appears on the screen, he exclaims, “Haa, tu ayah!” (“There, that’s daddy!”).

He made his appearance as an extra in the movie “Sayu Yang Syukur,” directed by Datuk Aaron Aziz which was released 28 December last year on Netflix.

He initially shows a scene in the movie where Aaron Aziz is seen walking in wedding attire. Fareed’s child asks which character is his father in the movie.

Shortly after, his child asks if Aaron Aziz is his father when he appears on screen. Fareed responds with excitement, “Not that one. Wait, there! That’s daddy. See? There he is!”

Fareed’s laughter can be heard as he watches himself appear in the movie.

The comment section is filled with amused viewers who enjoyed Fareed’s excitement while showing his cameo in the movie. Some even shared their own experiences of being extras in dramas or films.


@Siput_manis222, commented: “Aku dulu pernah jadi extra..sampai skrg jadi bahan keluarga, artis katanya” (“I used to be an extra too… now my family still jokes about it, calling me an artist”)

Fareed replied: “Takpe laa.. merasa jugak masuk tv noo.. retis celup pon takpo aihhh” (“It’s okay… at least I got to be on TV too… even if it’s just a pretend celebrity, it’s still fine.”)

Many of us feel proud if we appear on television, especially if we are involved in a film, drama, or reality program.

Even if it’s just a cameo, it is enough to make someone feel proud or excited and want the whole family to watch it. It’s undeniable that being on television is a thrilling experience.

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